“Everything looks great”

After a visit to the naturopath in June, I began DHEA supplements, Progest progesterone cream, and a number of vitamin supplements (folic acid, iron, chaste tree, glutamine, calcium, magnesium, evening primrose oil, vitamin D, and a very complete prental). I also started Chinese herbs along with my acupuncture visits.

Now, at the end of July, I have a different formulation of herbs and an iodine and tyrosine supplement to add to my daily capsule consumption. The gluten free addition to my diet in June has been a greater challenge than the dairy free and sugar free adjustment last November, but it has been far more influential, so I’m sticking with it – No dairy, gluten, wheat, or sugar for me!

The naturopath says “everything looks great” and she would be surprised if I’m not pregnant in 90 days and looks forward to getting that phone call from me. Another appointment is set for 3 months from now, and I pray that I’ll be giving her that call way before the appointment.

In Waiting…

My body miscarried O.P. naturally at 11 weeks. It all happened with extreme pain in about two hours. There were nasty cramps for about 30 hours before, but after it passed, I felt amazingly well. I’m sure it was a rush of endorphins from the extreme pain letting up and also from the knowledge of knowing that my body was able to begin moving forward.
It is three weeks, two ultrasounds, and two blood draw vials later. My hCG was 34,000 at 9 weeks, 4,000 at 11 weeks, and at 13 weeks it is just above 100 with some remaining tissue.
I am amazed at how my body is holding on. I hope this is a good sign for future pregnancies.

I have continued acupuncture and keeping up on my diet. I did splurge for a week, eating chocolates :) but I did my best to keep true to our ultimate goal. It will all be worth it.

I’m taking time to appreciate life. Each day, finding at least one thing to appreciate. For instance, seeding a hard-to-grow-grass spot in our yard.
All is well. Praying for patience.

Infertility cause: Low AMH. Low AMH cause: ???? Stress. Stress cause: Me?

When we met with the Reproductive Endocrinologist, she had a long list of infertility causes and we went through them all. She also had a list of things to blame for Low AMH. None.

I have read about stress and its affect on infertility. Supposedly, it should only affect ovulation… but why wouldn’t it affect everything else? When your body is stressed, does everything keep working just like normal? Do you not get headaches and eye twitches and sleepless nights? Or end up with ulcers, digestive problems, acid reflux?

I have to imagine our baby-making organs (at least for women) react in a similar manner. How are things to work correctly if all the energy in your being is focused on getting through each day?

That frightens me. How many years have I been destroying myself by deadlines, performance anxiety, penny-pinching, and worrying about every little detail?

If only I had known…

From now on, I am going to do what I can to let go of those things or let go of that part of me that stresses about those things. I will focus on my own health – through acupuncture, best quality foods, massage, and taking time to breathe. I will love others as completely as I can and I will love myself.



I have asked many questions, searched medical resources, and poured through fertility clinics’ websites. As far as I understand, AMH, the Anti Mullerian Hormone, relates to ovarian reserve – quantity of eggs, response to fertility drugs, and chances of a natural, healthy pregnancy. There appear to be at least two different scales for AMH: from 0-6.8 ng/ml and from 0-48.5 pmol/L. There are also differing opinions on what is determined as low AMH or normal. If you have another AMH scale, post to let me know! I’m intrigued to find out.

I am in the process of understanding the diagnosis of Low AMH. I am also trying acupuncture, herbs, diet, and abdominal massage because I was told there were no treatments to improve low AMH.

Stick with me and I’ll share anything I come across!

Eating for TCM

I mentioned I began a diet to aide Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with herbs from my acupuncturist. To summarize the diet, I avoid eating foods with little nutritional value and opt for nutrient dense foods, focusing on eating whole foods. The first step for me was avoiding white sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes, and all dairy. I have exchanged my cow’s milk for rice milk. Almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk were other options, but I by far preferred the taste of rice milk. From the guidelines, goat’s milk and cheese are okay to eat and I do like to taste of the goat cheese, but I have yet to sample the goat milk.

I avoid processed foods the best I can and have been making my own breads at home using honey instead of sugar and water instead of milk. I have added pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts/filberts, and almonds to my cabinet staples and I try them with my cooked greens. I discovered a love for kale and collard greens when sauteed with red onions, olive oil, and garlic with a few red pepper flakes.

That is another part of the diet: making sure all veggies are at least slightly cooked and not eating anything straight from the fridge. I was told this was so my body didn’t have to expend the energy to warm it before digestion. If that allows my body to focus its energy on keeping me healthy and making a family, it’s a small price to pay.