20 weeks and a new baby pic

We had our anatomy scan today. Our doc confirmed that all is well and said “go shopping!”


We new the gender fromĀ our PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) testing, but all doubt is now gone because boy parts were also confirmed! He was curled up with his head in his chest for quite a while, knees to elbows, and hands up behind his head. We got one pic where he was trying to put his hands in his mouth. It’s my favorite. He is measuring nearly a week ahead, but that is normal as their growth at this stage can vary by a week or two.

Thanks for cheering us on. We’re so glad we have good news to share!


18 weeks and need shower advice

The bump is no longer hiding! Yes, it might still look like I ate a whole lasagna by myself, but it’s definitely there. Loving every minute. Only another week before we have our anatomy ultrasound.

So, here is the debate: with a due date of February 6, when is the best time for baby showers? We plan to have Thanksgiving with his family and Christmas with mine. Both our families are out of state, so we would be traveling (by car). I’m guessing that planning to travel for a shower in January would be a bad idea. December and November seem difficult to plan due to the holidays and the fact that most people will already be traveling to visit family, just like us. Do we go ahead with a December baby shower the weekend before or after Christmas? Do we plan an early December shower and have an early Christmas with our families? Do we have a shower sometime early in November?

Seriously, I appreciate any advice. Thanks for being my cheerleader and know that you are often in my thoughts!