Pedal to the metal

The hysteroscopy today revealed an actual uterine cavity which is SO GOOD considering that it didn’t exist before the June surgery. Both fallopian tubes were visible and open. There was a pocket where scar tissue attempted to bind my uterus together again and the area between my fallopian tubes is still covered in scar tissue. Doc says it needs to be done and he can get me in next week.  !!!!!  Okay. That’s fast. I had imagined it would be at least a month before we could get surgery scheduled. That means pre-op is Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday), surgery is Wednesday, balloon stent probably removed the following Tuesday. With this next surgery, doc is going to try a new estrogen regiment and hopes to have great results with just one month of hormone therapy. Then, I get back on the pill and we do another hysteroscopy. He is hopeful that this surgery may be IT and we could be in great shape for our next FET (frozen embryo transfer).

Are we ready for the FET yet? We don’t know. We both really felt that having baby J when we did was perfect timing – not big and pregnant during hot months, not taking an itty bitty baby to daycare (because a friend watched him for seven weeks after my six weeks of maternity leave and one of spring break, then I had all summer break with him), and an FET in the school year would be an extra challenge. It’s hard enough to get out the door in the morning without adding early pregnancy and injections. I just don’t know how I feel about it right now.

I was trying to count today: how many hysteroscopies have I had? I think today was three… actually, four. I didn’t even have pre-hysteroscopy instructions, but I remembered what to do (or not do) anyway.

My man and I are very ready to be done with the surgery part of this path to FET #2 … and ready to be done with the hormones, too, but very thankful to be in so many prayers and the hands of a very skilled surgeon.

None shall pass.

None shall pass.

Today, the trial embryo transfer was a no go. The catheter went only so far and the internal ultrasound revealed some tissue in the way, but everything beyond that looked great! The first time I had the Doppler test to check blood flow, my numbers were over 5 and they wanted them closer to 3. That time, I did get my numbers down close to 3 with acupuncture and diet changes, but this time, my numbers were a little over and a little under 2 – even without acupuncture (though I do miss it)! Woohoo!

Then came the hysteroscopy which we knew was only going so far and, sure enough, we got a great picture of what looked like a shallow belly button (not really a belly button, but that’s what it looked like). Evidently, after my second surgery to remove my placenta 6 weeks after delivery, the two walls of my uterus (just past the cervix) healed together when they should’ve stayed separated. I meet with my doc tomorrow to establish a game plan and set our date for surgery.

Strangely, I’m comforted in knowing there is a diagnosis (Asherman’s syndrome), treatment (surgery), and a confident team of doctors on my side!

Big Day

Today was a big day. We met with the financial consultant (signed papers). We also met with our IVF nurse (medication and injection info AND signed more papers) and I began to chug 32 oz. of water. We were also informed that due to my egg health (low AMH), we would be doing a dual trigger. The additional medicine would be put into our pharmacy to arrive with the other medications. Then, we were off to the trial embryo transfer (TET) with a very full bladder.

Nurse checked it first, then Doc showed up and applauded my “good job” (haha) of filling my bladder sufficiently. I wanted to ask how many ladies pee on him in the process, but I refrained (yes, I was afraid I was going to do this, so I had a change of clothes in the car). The transfer was complicated by an obstruction of sorts and Doc said he would explore further with the following hysteroscopy. He was still able to pretty easily get the catheter right where it needed to be. Doc left and the nurse did our doppler ultrasound. My blood flow didn’t seem to be as free as they would like, so I will continue to avoid caffeine and inform my acupuncturist, increasing appointments to twice a week.

The hysteroscopy revealed the tissue complicating the TET and Doc was able to make necessary changes that will hopefully make our real FET (frozen embryo transfer) a breeze.

A big day. A good day.

Prep for Day One

Yesterday, I met with my new acupuncturist. I look forward to working with her more. We have appointments set up for another this week and then once a week through egg retrieval near the end of February.

Today was my first day of oral contraceptives to prepare for day one of ivf stimulation drugs.

Tomorrow, both of us go in to have blood drawn for some labs they want to run prior to starting the stimulation meds.

Next week, we both go in for about 3.5 hours of injection training, financial planning, and more tests. They will do an analysis for him and a doppler ultrasound (to check blood flow), hysteroscopy (a camera analysis of the uterus), and a trail embryo transfer (no embryos involved for now).

At this time, the official “day one” is February 14, but I feel like today is the first day one. I know this process will not come to conclusion until sometime near the end of April or beginning of May, but I can’t help get excited. After this, we will know more than we know now. We may have some answers. We may have a baby or few!


It seems that I am not to have any control or plan how anything will go in this process. Today, I showed up early for my hysteroscopy as I was required to do. I provided the urine sample as required, undressed, waited in the exam room with my husband as I was instructed.
Then, the nurse returns and says there is a change of plans. The sample I provided was for a pregnancy test they always do before a hysteroscopy and it showed a faint line on the test.
Yes, I just had a normal period. Yes, I’ve been temping and it dropped as expected right before said period.
So, off to do a blood test and wait for results. Hysteroscopy cancelled.

Three hours later, test is negative (of course) and now I need to reschedule.

I’m reminding myself to breathe, pray, and smile. The surprises are endless.