Where am I now? Exactly, what ARE we doing?

I am 33. Hubby is 35. Baby J, our miracle IVF baby, is a wild, independent and brilliant 2.5 year old. And, yes, I will call him Baby for a long time…maybe forever. :)

My infertility is a bit of a mystery. Originally, it was thought to be diminished or poor ovarian reserve, POR/DOR, when my AMH came back low. The antral follicle count was decent, not as low as expected, so that was strange. Subsequent AMH tests showed higher numbers (which science says is impossible). I responded well to IVF meds and had a decent number of eggs retrieved. All but one fertilized but they quickly dwindled as only four made it to Day 5 or 6 blasts to be frozen. Genetic testing showed them all to be “normal” with no chromosomal abnormalities.

We never discovered why we miscarried in 2012 after becoming pregnant shortly after our HSG procedure. Baby Drew would be four this past month.

I have MTHFR C677T homozygous, meaning that I do not utilize B vitamins (one of which is folate), so I treat it daily with a better form of B vitamins and low dose aspirin.

We were dealt a second blow of Asherman’s Syndrome (intense uterine scars) after complications from Baby J’s delivery. I’ve had 5 surgeries in 2.5 years along with a failed FET in March of this year and over a year of hormone therapy.

We were scheduled for another FET in September, but postponed it until October to accommodate a fun trip I have planned with a great friend.

I started meds for the upcoming FET this past Sunday and add a whole bunch more on Day 1 of the cycle, Sept. 16th, if all goes as planned.

My protocol for this FET involves Nuvaring for birth control (to avoid the Evil Clone from BC pills), Lupron, Doxycycline (for me and hubby for 5 days), Cialis (for blood flow in scar tissue), Estrace pills vaginally, Delestrogen IM injections, Intralipids (I’ll learn more about this if we get that far), bi-weekly acupuncture, moxabustion on foot points to build lining, guided meditation, and yoga whenever I can get it in. We will prep the uterine lining for 21 days, with FET on day 26. I am free of gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine in all forms (chocolate, coffee, herbal teas, etc.) and doing my best to eat foods which are easier for my body to digest and more supportive to my body.

I work as a teacher three days a week.

We recently moved and are adjusting to a smaller, older home, bigger yard (YAY), and dramatically shorter commutes (double YAY).

Lesson learned: Change is hard, even when it is welcome.

I am doing my best to be a loving mommy, wife and human being. I fail often, but I keep trying.

We believe in prayer and believe that this life is not the end. We pray that God is with you all.