If you knew what was in store for you…

you would laugh instead of cry.

This was the message loud and clear this morning. As I was working on a project, I  emptied my thoughts to God. I asked him questions that have been troubling me lately and He responded.

But he didn’t respond with a verse from the Bible, instead, I strongly felt a reference to a show my hubby and I have been watching on and off for a while now. In this show, one brother comes to power while the other brother is on the sidelines, watching. The second brother endures some really rough circumstances and goes to a “see-er” who tells him the message I received today. The words were a little different. I believe he was told that he would “dance naked on the beach.” Well, here’s to dancing!

Yes, I’m struggling with this.

I cannot pretend to understand why some people are so blessed with children, in quick succession, to multiple partners, with no honor to marriage while other committed couples cannot even become pregnant with the help of very skilled scientists and surgeons.

I cannot pretend I’m not hurt or angry about being denied another baby with our most recent FET failure.

The message this morning was so strong, but I can’t seem to find a specific scriptural reference.

I’m doing my best to empty myself, giving God the opportunity to speak to me, provide peace, and strength as we move forward. I’m doing my best to pour my heart out whenever I can so He can fill it the way He desires.

We have another surgery on the books for later this month. A couple months of hormone therapy will follow. With out next FET after recovery, the plan is to trade the prednisone for intralipids and add low dose lovenox. I’ll have some more learning to do as I’ve not experienced either of those treatments before.

I’m trusting HIM that HE knows better than I and that HE will guide us through whatever life sends our way. Thinking of you all and sending you our love.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. maternalstateofmind
    Apr 05, 2016 @ 09:48:59

    It really is just to unfair. Im so sorry you are hurting. You will get your miracle baby. Im sure of it. xx


  2. Caroline @ In Due Time
    Apr 05, 2016 @ 18:42:13

    I love your faith!


  3. Lauren
    Apr 05, 2016 @ 20:46:07

    I’m so proud of you. Keep dancing, Mama! Dance on the good days! Dance on the bad! And let yourself feel all of those “naked emotions”: the good, the bad, the ugly. They can all be gifts.


  4. raymond1905
    Apr 23, 2016 @ 14:54:52

    Have been thinking of you! This is promising news!


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