E 1773, Lining 7.2!!!!! Approved for transfer!

And I’m speechless.

I have three appointments to reschedule now because of the transfer and bed rest following the transfer. I will also be without a car for the week following the transfer.

This life is crazy. But wonderful.

We have a long road ahead yet, but we get to move past the damage, Asherman’s syndrome diagnosis, Viagra, Cialis, MTHFR diagnosis, low AMH diagnosis… We get to move forward.

I get to take the trigger shot (hcg) tomorrow morning. Starting progesterone and medrol the following day. So many things going on in addition to the FET. Our lives are so beautifully full.

Thank you.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Lauren
    Mar 09, 2016 @ 14:39:35

    Friend, this is such amazing news! Oh my goodness! You are about a week ahead of me, so we won’t quite have that TWW together, but so close. I’m just over the moon right now!

    Question: What restrictions have you been given after transfer? My clinic is terrible with details and hasn’t given me any, but I also know that there success rate isn’t as high as CCRM and some others. I would love anything you can share! Hugs :)


    • There Is A Chance
      Mar 09, 2016 @ 18:41:26

      This is what they give me for post-transfer:
      Bed rest day of transfer and one day after
      Limit your activity – be restful
      No intercourse during bed rest
      limit climbing stairs as much as possible
      nothing hot on stomach (heating pad)

      Once bed rest is over:
      do not lift anything over 10-20 pounds and no intercourse until pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound
      normal activities you are accustomed to, in moderation (walking, swimming, prenatal yoga)
      avoid extreme temps, saunas, hot tubs, hot yoga, steam baths
      continue to eliminate all caffeine, alcohol, nicotine
      eat healthy and balanced diet
      only take tylenol for aches/pains/headaches – no aleve, naproxen, ibuprofen


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